
NRT @ UMN regularly records podcasts to feature NRT trainees, programs, and visitors. Our current podcast series is called "CATSS Talk", a name that stems from our close association with the Center for Translational and Sensory Science Research (CATSS). Below, you can hear all of our podcasts! Let us know what you think by reaching out via our Contact page.

CATSS Talk #1: Kristi Oeding

In this podcast, Adam Svec interviews NRT trainee Kristi Oeding at Five Watt Coffee. In the first half of the podcast, Kristi shares some of her experiences with the NRT @ UMN program and talks about what it's like to be a trainee. In the second half of the podcast, Kristi explains how she ended up as a PhD student in the Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences department and describes how she studies hearing loss using cutting-edge technologies like near-infrared spectroscopy.  

CATSS Talk #1

Audio file

CATSS Talk #2: Liz Anderson

In this podcast, Adam Svec interviews former NRT Program Coordinator Liz Anderson about her experiences on the administrative side of NRT @ UMN. She provides an overview of NRT @ UMN, explains who can become involved with the program, and ponders the future of sensory science at UMN.

CATSS Talk #2

Audio file